Its so weird and funny how certain things fall into place in life. 

For what seems like a quick minute, the bike has become an important part of my life.  In less than 2 weeks, both of my children learned to ride their bike without training wheels, my husband gave me an ‘aluminum’ bike for our 10 year wedding anniversary, and I finally figured out I could bike for my cardio exercise to replace the cardio that was hurting my knees!

My kids had NO interest in riding bikes one month ago. My husband challenged them – to see who could learn first.  They were non-stop trying to learn, falling with busted knees, scraped elbows, scratched palms and all. Within one weekend, they had it down. Once they figured it wasn’t that hard (and how fun it was!) they were obsessed with riding their bike, morning, noon, and night.  Before school, directly after school, in the dark, in the rain…they wanted to ride!  And, since I had a brand new bike, and they asked me everyday to go with them, I did.  How could I say no?  I mean, just look at them!


I have a feeling that this family bike riding thing will continue to help our family stay more active.  Since she has the bike riding down, our first grader, will do a kids triathlon this coming spring. She can’t wait! We also like to load up our bikes and take them to a nearby park to ride and ride.

And, now…..
We are packing up to leave for a long weekend at the coast.  What are we taking?  Yup, the bikes! 

I can’t wait to bike ride down to the water with them!

How do you and your family stay active?