What a day full day of color we had!
Today in the Kids Kitchen, we made Rainbows on Sticks….and yes, there really IS a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. (at least at the end of our rainbows!)
The kids taught me the order of colors in a rainbow, and I taught them why it was important to eat a variety of colors…..each color representing a different vitamin/mineral/phytochemical. We played a game to help familiarize ourselves with different colored fruits and vegetables. We used six different colors of fruit for our rainbow sticks, and any fruit works!
I really like that we created our own flavored yogurt that kids enjoyed. We decorated it with gold (ie. lemon zest) without using artificial colors or flavors. Try it at home, the kids thought it was so neat!
Different types of fruit,
all representing a different color.
Today we used: strawberries,
blueberries, purple grapes, oranges, bananas, and green apples.
Kabob Sticks (Hint: slightly dull the pointy end or use coffee stirrers or something alike for younger children.)
2 cups Plain Yogurt
Options: Organic, Greek,
or Low fat-Plain (no added sugars or flavors)
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla, optional
1 lemon, for juicing and
Prepare your
fruit. Wash and dry. (Let the kids do this)
fruit if needed.
Assemble your
kabobs, alternating colors.
Make the yogurt
dip: Mix 2 cups yogurt, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, and juice of 1/2 freshly squeezed
lemon. (add more or less based your taste.)
Grate lemon zest
for the “gold topping”
Spoon a serving
of the yogurt dip into a cupcake liner, or small bowl. Top with lemon zest to resemble the ‘pot of
gold’ at the end of a rainbow.